Deficiencies in feed preparation should be addressed based on egg changes


If the eggshells are found to be intolerant to pressure, easy to break, with resident marbled spots on the eggshells, and accompanied by flexor tendinopathy in hens, it indicates a lack of manganese in the feed. Manganese supplementation can be done by adding manganese sulfate or manganese oxide to the feed, so that the feed contains 30 mg of manganese per kilogram is enough. It should be noted that too much manganese sulfate in the feed or irrational premixing process can destroy vitamin D, which is unfavorable to the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

When the egg white becomes very thin and the edible part has a fishy odor, check whether the proportion of rapeseed cake or fish meal in the feed is too large. Rapeseed cake contains toxic substances such as thioglucoside, in the feed if more than 8%~l0%, it may make brown eggs produce fishy odor, while white eggs are the exception. Fishmeal, especially poor quality fishmeal, may produce a fishy odor in both brown and white eggs if more than l0% of the feed is present. The amount of rapeseed cake and fishmeal in feed should be limited, usually to less than 6% for the former and less than l0% for the latter. The proportion of canola cake that has been de-toxified can be increased.

Eggs after refrigeration, egg white pink, yolk volume expansion, the texture becomes hard and elastic, commonly known as “rubber eggs”, showing light green to dark brown, sometimes pink or red spots, this phenomenon is related to the quality of cottonseed cake and with the proportion of the cottonseed cake, cottonseed cake in the cyclopropenyl fatty acids can make the egg white become pink The free state of cotton phenol can be generated with the iron in the yolk darker complex substances, prompting the yolk color change, egg-laying chickens in the ration of cottonseed cake should be selected with less toxic varieties, with the proportion of general should be within 7%.

Egg white thin, thick protein layer and thin protein layer boundary is not clear, indicating that the hen feed protein or vitamin b2, vd, etc. insufficient, should check the feed formula of nutrients, according to the actual lack of nutrients to supplement.

If you find that the eggs have sesame to soybean size blood spots, blood clots, or egg whites deep in light red blood, in addition to the ovary or fallopian tube due to microvascular rupture, the lack of vitamin k in the feed ration is also one of the important factors.

Egg yolk color becomes lighter, usually contains lutein more feed can make the yolk color deepen, lutein deficiency will make the yolk color pale. Yellow corn seeds contain maize yellow pigment, can also make the yolk color deepening, and white corn and other seed feed due to the absence of this pigment, so can not make the yolk color.

Post time: Oct-29-2023