The Ways to Increase Duck Feed Intake

Low feed intake of ducks may affect their growth and profitability. With proper feed selection and scientific feeding practices, you can improve your ducks’ appetite and weight gain, bringing better benefits to your duck farming business. The problem of low feed intake of ducks may be caused by a variety of factors, duck farmers can make a reference:

1. Feed type: Choosing the right feed is important for ducks’ feed intake. The color, appearance and quality of the feed will affect the ducks’ appetite. Ensure that the feed is free of impurities and adjust the texture and flavor of the feed according to the ducks’ taste preferences. In addition, avoid high concentration of salt solution in the feed as ducks usually do not like to eat high salt feeds.

2. Pelleted feeds: Ducks have a preference for pelleted feeds, while finer sticky feeds are less popular with them. Pelleted feeds help in improving the appetite and weight gain of ducks. In case of breeding ducks, full-price feeds can be used to avoid over-obesity of the ducks. In addition, ducks take more feed from different colored feed troughs.

3. Feeding time: Ducks have regular feeding time. Usually morning and evening are the times when ducks take more food, and less at noon. Ducks at different growth stages also have different eating time preferences. Laying ducks prefer to eat in the evening, while non-laying ducks eat more in the morning. It is important to make full use of the morning and evening hours for feeding. If artificial light is needed, the brightness of the light should be gradually increased, which can increase the appetite of ducks, and is beneficial to weight gain and egg production.

4. Ducks’ eating change pattern: ducks’ eating habits have a certain regularity. Under natural light, there are usually three feeding peaks in a day, i.e. morning, noon and night. Be sure to provide enough feed in the morning, as ducks have a larger appetite after a night, which helps to increase their weight. For ducks kept on a grazing diet, they can be put out to graze during peak feeding times. If medication is required, it can be given mixed with feed.    Email:


Post time: Jan-26-2024