What diseases are chickens prone to in spring? Why is there a high incidence of disease in chickens in spring?

Spring temperatures are gradually warming up, everything is recovering, however, for the chicken industry, spring is a high incidence of disease season. So, what diseases are chickens prone to in the spring? Why is the incidence of chicken in the spring will be relatively high?


First, the spring chicken susceptible to disease
Chicken infectious bronchitis
Spring temperature change is large, easily lead to chicken immunity decline, thus easily infected chicken infectious bronchitis. The disease is mainly manifested as coughing, sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms, which can lead to the death of chickens in severe cases.

Newcastle Disease
Chicken Newcastle Disease is a highly contagious viral disease, spring is its high incidence. Chickens infected with it will have high fever, loss of appetite, depression and other symptoms, with a high mortality rate.

Chicken bursal disease is an acute, highly infectious disease caused by bursal virus. Spring temperatures are favorable for viral reproduction, so the disease is also prone to occur. Infected chickens will only have diarrhea, dehydration, emaciation and other symptoms.


Second, the reasons for the high morbidity rate of chicken in spring
Temperature changes
Spring temperatures are high and low, and the temperature difference between day and night is large, which can easily lead to a decline in the immunity of chickens, which is easy to be infected with diseases.

Air humidity
The air humidity gradually increases in spring, which is conducive to the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, increasing the risk of chicken infection.

Improper feed management
Spring feed is prone to moisture and mold, if improper management, chickens consume spoiled feed, which will lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

High breeding density
Spring is the peak season of the chicken industry, many farmers will increase the breeding density, which is likely to cause air pollution in the chicken coop, which is conducive to the spread of disease.

In order to reduce the morbidity rate of chicken farming in spring, farmers need to do the following: strengthen the ventilation of the chicken coop to keep the air fresh; reasonably adjust the feed formula to ensure the quality of feed; strengthen the feeding management, enhance the immunity of chickens; timely detection and treatment of sick chickens to prevent the spread of disease.


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Post time: Mar-01-2024