What to look out for when you’re new to raising chickens?

1. Choice of chicken farm
Choosing a suitable chicken farm site is the key to success. First, avoid choosing noisy and dusty places, such as near airports and highways. Secondly, in order to ensure the safety of chickens, avoid raising chickens alone in the middle of nowhere, as the threat of wild animals cannot be ignored.

2. The choice and management of feed
The quality and scientific proportion of feed are crucial to the growth of chickens. Make sure the feed is fresh and the shelf life is not overdue, and pay attention to whether the ratio of feed is reasonable. Excessive pursuit of feeding pure grain to chickens will lead to malnutrition, low egg production rate and susceptibility to diseases. In addition, to ensure that chickens have enough water, clean water can prevent the occurrence of disease.

3. Disease prevention and control
Disease prevention and control is a major difficulty in the process of raising chickens. To understand and master the habits of chickens and related disease knowledge, prevention is the main focus. When buying veterinary drugs, you can not just look at the price, you must do a good job with the drug. Choose the right drugs and scientific use is the key.

4. The choice of chicken breeds
Different breeds of chickens have differences in growth rate, egg production, meat quality, disease resistance and other aspects. According to the site and the market demand to choose the appropriate varieties, so that the benefits of farming economically. Special attention should be paid to the choice of chicken breeds to meet the local dietary habits, otherwise it may cause sales difficulties.

5. The refinement of breeding management
Although raising chickens seems to be a low threshold, it actually requires fine management and a lot of energy. From the cleaning of the chicken coop, feed placement, disease monitoring to the collection and sale of eggs, etc., all need to be carefully arranged. Beginners can not be lazy or sloppy, we must always pay attention to the changes in the chickens and adjust the management measures in time.

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Post time: Jan-12-2024