The Secret to More Eggs for Laying Ducks

1. Insist on feeding mixed feed
The quality of feed is directly related to the egg production rate of ducks. In order to meet the nutritional needs of ducks, ** egg production rate, we should insist on feeding mixed feed. If conditions permit, ** buy mixed feed produced by feed processing plants. If it is not possible to purchase, you can formulate your own mixed feed. The formula ratio of mixed feed is generally as follows: cornmeal 48%, soybean or sunflower cake 25%, wheat bran 10%, sorghum flour 5%, fish meal 7%, shellac 3%, bone meal 2%. At the same time, in order to improve egg production and feed utilization, you can add 0.2% salt and 10 grams of veterinary multivitamins to the feed and mix well before feeding. It is necessary to insist on regular and quantitative feeding of ducks every day, and feed them once every 6 hours, which can be fed 4~5 times a day.

2. Enhance the immunity of egg ducks
Add an appropriate amount of dichlorvos drug in the feed to prevent the occurrence of diseases such as avian cholera. At the same time, it is necessary to frequently brush the food lees fed to ducks and disinfect them with 0.1% aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.

3. Supply clean drinking water in time
Every day should ensure that there is a certain amount of clean water in the drinking trough, but pay attention to less add diligently, so that ducks can drink water at any time. In the cold winter, to prevent the ducks with water to wash their bodies, if the water soaked feathers will be easy to freeze and affect egg production.

4. Appropriate exercise
Proper exercise can help ducks maintain a healthy body and a good state of mind, which will help improve their egg production and egg quality. You can regularly drive the ducks to the outdoor activity site every day to walk, run and other sports. However, it should be noted that the temperature of the exercise site should be appropriate to avoid adverse effects on the ducks if it is too cold or too hot.

5. Maintain a suitable rearing environment
The good or bad feeding environment directly affects the growth and reproduction of ducks. To maintain appropriate temperature, humidity and light and other environmental conditions, to provide a comfortable living environment for ducks. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly clean and disinfect the feeding site and utensils to prevent the occurrence and spread of disease.

6. Timely prevention and treatment of disease
Disease is one of the important factors affecting ducks’ egg production. Ducks should be examined and treated regularly to detect and treat diseases in time. At the same time, feeding management should be strengthened to improve the immunity of ducks and reduce the occurrence and spread of diseases.    Email:


Post time: Jan-18-2024